Americas next Great Awakening

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Americas next Great Awakening began on January 2, 2011, and so far it has been a pretty wild ride for me.  It has been so amazing to see the changes that have taken place within in the church in only a few weeks. The most amazing changes came not just in the building itself, but in the people.  To see people from different back rounds and all walks of life all in one accord on the same page for the cause of Christ is so inspiring.  The Lord has been showing me that this is how the church is supposed to operate. We as the body of Christ should be moving as the body moves in unison with purpose and direction.  It’s not about us or our platform or our opportunity to speak.  It’s all about Jesus and preaching the gospel to the lost people of this world!  We need to set aside our egos and our pride a work together for the cause of Christ. Often times we are so focused on building our own castle that we forget all about building to Kingdom of God. This is one church moving in unity and the results have been astounding imagine what will happen when two or three churches begin to move as one. When one church acts as a hand and another as the foot ….  That is what it is going to take for this nation to be shaken by the power of God. -Kai C.