Ministers Conference 2010 – Sharon F. Testimony

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The minister’s conference was powerful!  I really got a vision of no limits and no boundaries. Pastor Rodney told us to operate off the commandment of “go ye”, not on invitations.  This opened my eyes because if we are operating like that, we will not be people pleasers and getting off course.  We will be listening and ready.  He said not to operate on what we have, but to operate on God’s orders.  We are vessels being filled up with living water and we must be poured out.  The anointing is not to increase our ministry or make us feel good, it is to set the captives free.

There is a harvest of souls out there waiting for people to come and tell them about Jesus and free them from the bondage of sin.  Listening to the different speakers and all the Lord has done in their ministry helped my faith in believing anything really is possible.  We just need to be able to risk all. Jesus gave us his all.  We are the ones who limit God, he has no limits, all things are possible with him.  I learned that we have to use our mouth to enlarge our territory by keep speaking the vision by faith.

We can’t look at people in the flesh, but see them as God sees them.  God is waiting for people full of faith to go forward in obedience to his word. We have to stay filled with the word, stay in the presence of God and believe if we step into the sea  it will part and God will take us to the other side.  If we really are believing, listening and waiting for our orders, fear has no place and cannot limit us in any way.