Timothy T. Testimony

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This past week at the River at Tampa bay was our annual winter Camp Meeting! It was a week filled with phenomenal morning and night services with people attending from all over the world. What was really amazing to see was how the huge majority of people attending went out daily to go soul winning all around the city of Tampa Bay. Thousands of people came to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior! With so many people going out to preach the gospel we had many written, video, and live testimonies each and every night.

The power of God fell every service and more and more people caught the vision of Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne and the “Great Awakening”.  Pastor’s heart is to have every person, whether in the ministry or not out, winning souls one on one and fulfilling the great commission Jesus gave us in each of the Gospels. One testimony that truly stuck out is from an 80 year old woman who called in to the prayer center during a night service.

She was unable to walk because of an illness and so she can only move by wheelchair. She called a week prior to get prayer for healing and to get a soul winning script. The soul winning script was shipped to her house and she immediately called two of her family members and they received Christ into their hearts! She wanted to soul win so bad but couldn’t get out of her house so she figured why not call people….it works! –Timothy T.