Matters of The Heart | Darwin Zelaya Testimony

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In the class Matters of the Heart I learned a lot about love, obviously from the title of the class you would think that you would be learning about that. When Pastor Adonica started teaching it was a lot of stuff that we talked about in The Love Walk but we went in to more details about how love REALLY works. One thing that really popped out to me was the way God really loves us, I mean no matter what we do that is not following God’s will, He still continues to love us the same through. He walks us through our situation or problem and He holds our hand all the way through it. Another thing that I have learned is how I am supposed to love other people. Before I would have trouble loving people that did things that hurt me. I have been in a lot of different relationships over the years, and one thing that I noticed is that I would get attached very quickly with girls and after a while we would end up breaking up, and I would end up hating them for breaking my heart and I would stop talking to them. After taking this class I realized that I was wrong and that since I say that I am a born again Christian, I should love people the way God loves us, with agape love, unconditional, never ending, never changing, without any strings attached. So one thing that I have started doing because of this class is I started talking to a few of those ex-girlfriend and just apologizing for being such a jerk and just start loving them (as friends of course) even though sometimes it does hurt, and the only thing that keeps me going is just the thought of God loving me even though I failed Him so many times, even after I got saved.