Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

What I think is that all people should love one another and show compassion to each other. But we do not see that these days in time. We fighting against brothers and sister against sister and, all start when some persons get into other peoples affairs. We must keep our nose out of other people’s business. Before we speak we have to listen to our hearts to find out what to say to the person or keep our mouths shut. We need to learn to embrace one another and to say that powerful word (I love you.). Then after that let your heart do the talking, for the brain in your heart will come up with things to say and do. We just have to walk in the light that is within us. We must stop judging one another and love one another. When things go wrong we must seek the Lord and he will put in our heart how to fix the problem. But if still there is a problem is not fix. We need to go to the word and stand on it. When God tell us to do something we must obey Him immediately and do what he tells us to do. He is not going to lead us down the wrong path. When we walk in obedience and do what he tells us to do, we will see windows and doors open unto us. But we cannot allow the devil to come in through a door of disobedience and rebellion. We must stay in God’s presence at all times. To love God is to obey Him, and we know that He loves us and His desire is for us to go higher in Him. We should not fall into a trap when people offend us or talks bad about us. We just have to be like a duck and let these things role off our backs.