Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This week of sitting under Pastor Adonica’s teaching has been life changing for me. I hadn’t realized the extent of myself hardening my heart to the Lord. I was open to receive and I recognized that I needed the Lord to deal with me. I am so thankful for that decision. She spoke about the heart of God in regards to how he feels about the condition of our heart and how he brings correction when your heart doest have the right attitude. I never realized until now, that its not about being in the ministry and creating a title for yourself, its about taking what God has given you, no matter how little it may seem, and giving it out to the person in front of you. You don’t have to wait until you’re in front of a congregation to share God’s love and his heart.

You should respect God so much that when his Holy Spirit comes to convict you and set you on the right path you instantly obey. Delayed obedience is disobedience. I always thought that God was a mean, strict, and uncompassionate God and that whenever I messed up he was waiting to pester me with “conviction”. But that is 100% not the heart of God. He loves and cares so much for me that the last thing he wants to do is bring judgment to me. He brings correction and discipline to my life for my benefit to protect me and to relieve me from a life that isn’t filled with his complete joy, peace, and love. He never condemns you or looks down on you, but gently straightens you out to show you places in your life that are the hindrances in growing in your relationship with him. If I allow the Lord to straighten out me out immediately, I will never harden my heart and wind up miles away from his perfect path for my life.

Gods discipline can only feel unending if you never surrender your full will to the father. Discipline will only work if you receive it. You have to make the choice personally to be reachable by God. Open your heart so that you can see his love more than his correction. The way you can do that is by understanding that he corrects the ones he loves, and through his correction he is showing you the love he has for you. Everything that God has for you is available- all you have to do is protect you heart from the world and keep it open towards the Lord.