Richard M. Testimony

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Revival ministries international is not just another ministry! It is a place where you can come and find out how big god really is, and how much he wants to use you if you will let him. Since coming to the ministry I have been a part of the children’s ministry, security team, ushering, parking lot attendant, and Television production team. Along with the soul winning outreach which is held twice a day Monday through Friday it was easy to find a place where God could use me. Since coming in the fall of 2009 for my second year of bible school soul winning has been embedded into my mind and thinking!

Everywhere you look there is an opportunity for god to use you, just go to your local grocery store and as you’re shopping for food, shop for some people too! I remember one occasion when I went to a local Wal-Mart. It was late and I was ready to go home, but I just felt like I should talk to some people about the lord. Within twenty minutes I had talked to 4 people. Two received Christ as their savior, one I invited to church, and another dear lady was healed from a sprained ankle. God is so good! If we just offer our time to him he can do great things through us.

Another instance was when my friend and I went to north boulevard homes in downtown Tampa. Within an hour we had won fifty people to the Lord. On that day we were able to lead somewhere between thirty or so children to Lord! It’s amazing how quickly god can use you! Since being here at River Ministries international my life has changed dramatically on my outlook on people. Every person that I meet is an opportunity to lead to the Lord!