Tessa G. Testimony

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During a super soul winning Saturday a friend from school and I teamed up and went door to door in some apartments off of Fowler. The first door we came to was a woman sitting outside with her kids. I began to read the script and asked her to say a prayer after me. As soon as she said the part “I’m forgiven” she began to cry. She said that God was touching her and she believed what she said.

Right after that we went up to the next flight of stairs and we came to this woman’s house who said she was already saved but wanted to get baptized in the Holy Spirit. I began to tell her how important it was to have the Holy Spirit and I was telling her my friend would find a scripture in the Bible that confirmed what I had just said. She then repeated a prayer after us and asked the Holy Spirit into her heart. She said as soon as she said the prayer she felt like all the burdens were off her shoulder and that she didn’t feel pain or hurt anymore. We began to explain to her they were not our words, but His and that the Holy Spirit will keep her safe and guide her.

That day was such a great harvest. Our group saw many miracles that day including a blind woman seeing and kids putting their drugs down to give their hearts to the Lord.