Timothy T. Testimony

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This year in the River Bible School we have come to see the fruition of everyone’s efforts in soul winning in Tampa. All last year we went continually, week by week, to several communities to share the gospel with the people, love on them, and encourage them to become a part of the body of Christ.

As this school began in September I noticed that I would run into many people in these communities that I was seeing on Sunday’s at the River church! People would open their doors and greet me with “Oh I know you, you’re from the River; God bless you!” It went from finding many unsaved people in the communities the year before to now being able to barely find any at all who hadn’t heard and accepted the gospel message of salvation! Praise the Lord! The communities are visibly affected now as well.

There is joy and love evident everywhere and people are connecting to neighbors so much more now through the amazing bus ministry we have here at the River which picks up all the church goers for our “Main Event” service on Sunday mornings. I have been so blessed to see all of my seed come to growth in these people. Seeing people I have witnessed to last year now coming to church is something I cannot even describe in words! I can only liken what I am witnessing every week in the Tampa communities I visit to the parable of the sower who had an amazing harvest of fruit after sowing out the seed of the gospel of Christ.

The word of God truly changes people, families, and even communities all together. It is such a pleasure to go out now to these communities and share insight from the word of God, encourage and build up the believers, and pray for whatever needs they have it is daily ministry.